1800 351 114

Do I have to lose my licence?

No. If it is your first offence, we would expect to keep your licence in three out of four cases.  It is harder to keep your licence on a second, third or fourth offence but we have also managed to achieve a positive result in certain cases.
Under the Road Safety Act the court has a general power to suspend your licence for whatever period it deems appropriate.  Some Courts will take your licence for up to one year.  However, if your case is fully prepared, we can give you the best chance of keeping your licence. 

Your personal circumstances, driving history and the circumstances of the charge before the Court will all influence whether or not you lose your licence. The Court has a general power to take your licence for this type of offence. However, we will look for a reason the Court should not take your licence.


Our Results

We have not had any clients go to jail for driving whilst suspended or disqualified with 75% of our clients able to keep their licence and just pay a fine.

Everyone is different and every offence is different. Once we have spoken with you we can work out the best defence strategy to keep you out of jail. In many cases, we can even keep your licence.


Case studies







Drive suspended.  Had been suspended for 6 months for speeding.  Was caught on the last day of his suspension.  Told the police he did not know he was suspended.

Two priors for drink driving and speeding.

$600 fine with no loss of licence.


Drive suspended.  Caught two months into a three month demerit point suspension.


$450 fine with no loss of licence.


Four driving whilst suspended charges.
Three unregistered vehicle charges.
One charge of failing to stop when asked to do so by police.

Two priors for driving whilst disqualified.
Two priors for dangerous driving.
Two priors for careless driving.
Four priors for unregistered vehicles.

$2000 fine with a 6 month loss of licence.


Drive suspended and drive unregistered vehicle

No priors.

$600 fine without conviction.  No loss of licence.


Drive suspended.

No priors

Good behaviour bond with no loss of licence.


Drink driving (0.061) and drive suspended

Priors for drink driving and drive suspended.

$1,200 fine and 12 month cancellation for the drink drive (mandatory minimum).

William Archer Defence Lawyers Pty Ltd | ACN 130 032 843
Melbourne-based criminal law firm